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Fast Cheap or Easy


This was one of the first assignments of this class, this could give you a better understanding of how I progressed as a writer from the beginning of this semester to the end. In this Simple forum, we were asked to reflect upon chapter 1, and try to come up with a documented mode of technical communication, in this special scenario the goal here is to make the document but by only using two of the three given parameters, Fast, Cheap or Easy. Technical communication is one of the main learning objectives of this course, and this assignment really helped me understand the basics of technical communication.

Fast, Cheap or Easy Forum:

 After Reading the chapter 1 we learned the basic structure of technical communications like modes for technical communications and purposes. In this scenario where we have to make a documented mode of technical communication within 24 hours which will be required throughout a project in an engineering organization; taking notes from chapter 1 it is mentioned that one must take 8 measures to excel in their technical documents, but according to the scenario that is presented now, we can only use any two of the three ways: fast, cheap or Easy. I would personally make the technical document in Fast and Easy manner and this would become expensive, by making it in this way I am prioritizing the professional appearance of the document and correctness on information in it.

I believe one of the factors that is important in a technical document is its appearance, we have to make it as professional as possible and maintain correct information in it, but there is a chance that the comprehensiveness and clarity of the technical document would be put aside because in order to create a document mainly focused on the appearance and trying to put the information in as correct as possible, it would be a bit problematic to elaborate every ounce of information in the document considering the given time limit, I would say it would be better to put all information in the document and proceed with it in time rather than taking care of elaborating the information in it to increase the comprehensiveness and clarity of the documents.